Sunday, February 7, 2010

IT'S A BOY!!!!

We're ready to meet our little one!

We went to the hospital at 1:15 am early Sunday morning on January 31.

I am feeling good now...thanks to the epidural! :)

Introducing our adorable son, Chase Ayden Swansen was born at 8:59 am on January 31, 2010. He weighed 7 pounds 9 ounces and was 20.5 inches long.

We think Chase looks just like Randy in this picture taken minutes after he was born.

Holly Randy

Our first picture, about 10 minutes after birth.
Our poor little guy was struggling a little to breath from the meconium, so they took him to the nursery.

We think Chase looks a lot like Daddy, but he has lots of blond hair like Mommy. Chase also has Mommy's nose, dimple in his chin, crooked pinky fingers, and toes.

Chase with Grammie and PaPa Trietsch

Thanks to Brenda and Shaun, Bill and Ally, and my cheerleaders Hayley, Michelle, and Danielle for the beautiful flowers and balloons.

Our little family

California Auntie Heather (cheer coach with Holly) visited little Chase several times in the hospital.

Going home..

First car ride

Getting Chase ready for his first doctor's appointment at 3 days old.

Chase's first outing to Porto's Bakery
Yum..look at all of those pastries.

Napping with Daddy.
Enjoying his bouncy seat.

1 comment:

  1. He is beautiful you guys! Congrats! We hope to meet him one of these days when you are home for a visit. Enjoy the newborn days!
