Monday, April 12, 2010

2 Months Old!

Friends and family - I am so sorry that I am so behind on updating you about Chase. I'll try to catch you up with a few posts. This post has several pictures of Chase when he was 2 months old.

We discovered around this time that Chase has acid reflux like his cousin Taylor. (Thanks Aunt Heather for helping to diagnose this). We now give him medicine twice a day so our little guy isn't in pain and doesn't cry constantly anymore. He still spits up ALL the time, but hopefully he will outgrow the acid reflux around 6 months old like Taylor did.

Our friends Jonathan and Jenna Hesbol visited us from San Francisco in March to see Chase for the first time. As you can see in the photo, Chase has such a cute smile.

Randy, Chase, and I spent a weekend in Anaheim for the cheerleading national competition. Randy is such a great dad and supporting husband to watch Chase the majority of the weekend so I could coach. Thanks Babe!

Chase's 1st time at Downtown Disney.

Chase's 1st Easter! Boy, was he spoiled!

I love this picture! It looks like "Where's Waldo?" but instead "Where's Chase?"

Learning how to play piano with his feet :)

Aunt Heather visits and snuggles Chase for the 1st time!

Aunt Heather, I can't wait to meet baby Pedersen!

Here Chase is supporting the Burbank High Bulldogs with his paw print pants that a cheer mom gave him.