Wednesday, January 27, 2010

Busy Weekend

Only one week left until our little one is supposed to arrive! We can't wait!

On Saturday, Jan. 23, my cheerleaders won 2nd place at a competition in Agoura Hills.

On Saturday night, Randy and I went to see The Heavy Guilt play in Venice Beach. Randy used to play with Jason and Sean in college. It was really nice to hear the band and visit with our friends since we don't get down to the San Diego area where they live very often.

Also, here is a picture of the Swansen family when they were all visiting over the holidays.

Saturday, January 9, 2010

Baby Swansen Pool

Here are everyone's picks for when they think baby Swansen will arrive and if our little one will be a boy or a girl. Randy created a point system to figure out who is the closest. We haven't figured out what the prize is yet, but we will soon. Any ideas?

Monday, January 4, 2010

Rose Bowl Parade 2010

On New Year's Day, we woke up early to go to the 121st Rose Bowl Parade in Pasadena. Most of the people camped on the street for 24 hours to save their seat. People were everywhere!!

Luckily we found a place to watch the parade.

Ohio State Cheerleaders

It was so hot...76 degrees! I got a sunburn in January!

New Year's Eve

While the Swansens were visiting us over Christmas, we enjoyed seeing the comedian John Pinette at the Improv in Irvine, CA on New Year's Eve.

These guys were the other comedians that opened up for Pinette.

Baby's getting bigger! Only 4 weeks to go!

Baby's Room

The baby's room is ready to go!

The rocker is soooo comfortable!!

Thanks Heather, Jason, Sam, Ryan, Mom and Dad for the giftcards for Christmas! This is the new comforter we bought.

We decorated the room with some Winnie the Pooh wall decals.

Sunday, January 3, 2010

Holly's 30th Birthday!

Wow... I can't believe I'm 30 already! Time flies!
To celebrate, we had dinner at my favorite Japanese restaurant Benihana with some of our closest friends.

Randy and I, Shaun and Brenda, BP and Josie

Jillian and Patrick, Ally and Bill

Randy also spoiled me and took me out to eat just the two of us on the day of my birthday. He brought me a dozen roses, enjoyed a fabulous meal at the Melting Pot, and gave me diamond earrings!! I couldn't ask for a better birthday!

Cheer Baby Shower

During finals week before Christmas, the other cheer coach Heather Riscen surprised me with a baby shower with all of our cheerleaders. I had no idea! I thought we were having a holiday party. Thanks everyone for all the gifts! Baby Swansen is already spoiled. :)

I'm in the middle in red. Heather is in front of me.

My freshmen cheerleaders.

Measuring yarn for the size of my belly.

One of the games we played was sculpting a baby from bubble gum. Very interesting!

Math Department Baby Shower

The teachers of the math department from Burbank High also gave me a baby shower. We enjoyed lunch at Pomodoro's and everyone pitched in on lots of presents. Thanks everyone!

Tanda, Misik, Anita, Lori, Susan, Patrick, Tim, Brenda, Me, Jeanne, Sandy

Sandy made a quilt for the baby.

Thanks everyone for all the nice gifts!

CA Friends Baby Shower

The weekend after Thanksgiving, our friends Brenda Kosbab and Shaun Swiger gave us a coed baby shower with all of our friends in California. We decided to have the shower at Dave and Busters (basically Chuck E Cheese for adults) for dinner and lots of games.

Brenda and Shaun

Tony Franco (another math teacher at Burbank) and Jonathan and Jenna

Rick Broman (math teacher) and his wife Susan and Ben Vargas (Spanish teacher)

Dena and Doug (more BHS teachers), Gabe and Bill (coworkers of Randy), and Amber and Sean Martin (college friends who now live in San Diego)

Tony and Brenda playing a little air hockey.

Amber and Sean competing at some bball.

BP and Josie doing some shooting.

Randy and Jonathan playing our favorite game, Ski Ball!

Amber was a rock star at the jump rope game.

Tony boxing.

Dena and Doug racing.

Sean surfing.

Good times!!

Everyone pooled their tickets for winning the games so Randy and I could get four stuffed animals for the baby, including this grey hippo. Thanks everyone for all of the great gifts and celebrating with us!